AssetMule Demo & Training Every Wednesday at 2:00pm ET

Introducing AssetMule: Engage Your Buyers with Interactive Sales Assets

We're excited to announce AssetMule to the world!

Justin Dorfman
Co-Founder & CEO at AssetMule
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We’re beyond excited to open up AssetMule to the world!

We started this journey back in March 2023 with the simple idea of replacing PDFs with more personalized, interactive, and trackable sales assets.

Over the last year, we’ve brainstormed this concept with over 300 sales, product marketing, and sales enablement professionals, including running a private beta with over 40 leading SaaS companies.

These brainstorming and feedback sessions helped us refine our vision and build the product that we so proudly present to you today.

And now you can sign up for AssetMule on our website, start creating your own interactive sales assets for free, and take advantage of our early adopter discount on AssetMule Pro plans (more on this below…).

Why we built AssetMule

As a former salesperson turned product marketer, I’ve experienced the challenges with creating sales assets from both sides of the coin.

Sales wants to personalize assets for each prospect, but product marketing can’t possibly deliver them on time with the limited design resources at their disposal.

Then, even when these assets are delivered, they’re static PDFs (what is this the ‘90s?!) and there’s no way to see if sales is using them or buyers are engaging.

That’s exactly why we built AssetMule.

With AssetMule, product marketers can build a library of interactive sales asset templates, messaging, and imagery that sales can use to create more personalized, interactive, and trackable buying experiences—all without design or development resources.

Sales wins more business. Product marketers gain time back to focus on strategy. Prospects get better buying experiences. Everyone wins!

Try our interactive demo to experience this for yourself:

Get started for free + a special offer

You can get started using AssetMule for free today by signing up on our website.

To celebrate our launch, we’re also offering early adopters a lifetime 10% discount on AssetMule Pro monthly subscriptions and an additional 20% discount on annual subscriptions. To redeem your discount, use the code EARLYMULE10 at checkout. This offer expires on March 31, 2024.

Here’s a one-pager with details—built in AssetMule, of course 😉

Engage your buyers with interactive sales assets
  • Create interactive sales assets in minutes and without designer or developers
  • Personalize assets for each prospect using a snippet library of messaging and imagery
  • Track which assets are being used and driving the most engagement