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Product Highlights: It’s all about BUYER ENABLEMENT

Enable your buyers with these new capabilities from AssetMule.

Justin Dorfman
Co-Founder & CEO at AssetMule
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We’ve been shipping so much you’d think we have a crew of AI agents 🤖 (really it’s just Dane Lyons, a real-life coding superhero 🦸).

And, this month, it’s been all about buyer enablement.

Here’s everything that’s new in AssetMule...

Enable your buyers with personalized demo centers

We’ve teamed up with Navattic and Jason Oakley/Eric Holland of DemoDash to help you enable your buyers with personalized demo centers showcasing the specific use cases and workflows they care about.

Your sales teams can use them in their outreach, live demo sessions, and as follow-ups/leave behinds. And your buyers can use them to sell internally, reducing the need for multiple meetings and speeding purchasing decisions.

Check out the new Demo Center template.

Enable your buyers with personalized demo centers using our new template

Connect your buyers with happy customers

Take your social proof to the next level with the new Noble component that lets you connect your prospects with happy customers they know—right from your sales assets.

Prospects who engage with Noble’s banner are 20x more likely to convert and they convert 2x faster than prospects who don’t.

Try it for yourself in our interactive one-pager.

Connect your buyers with happy customers they know and trust using the new Noble component

Other updates

  • Password protect your sales assets. Learn how.
  • Add browser frames to your product images. Learn how.

That’s it for this month’s highlights. Stay tuned for more exciting new capabilities coming your way soon!

Engage your buyers with interactive sales assets
  • Create interactive sales assets in minutes and without designer or developers
  • Personalize assets for each prospect using a snippet library of messaging and imagery
  • Track which assets are being used and driving the most engagement