We’ve partnered with Navattic and DemoDash to introduce our new Navattic component and Demo Center template.
Demo centers are on the rise.
In their State of the Interactive Product Demo 2025, Navattic reported a 3.75x increase in demo center usage, becoming the most popular way the top 1% of demos are being used.
While having a general demo center on your website showcasing how your product can be used for different use cases and personas is a good starting point, what buyers really want to know is how it can be used for their specific use cases and needs.
That’s why we’ve teamed up with Navattic and Jason Oakley/Eric Holland of DemoDash, to help you enable your buyers with personalized demo centers.
Your sales teams can use these personalized demo centers in their outreach, live demo sessions, and as follow-ups/leave behinds.
Buyers can use them to educate internal stakeholders, reducing the need for multiple meetings and streamlining purchasing decisions.
The result will be faster, smoother, and more enjoyable buying experiences.
This is the future of B2B sales and buyer enablement.
Today, we’re introducing our new Navattic component that lets you easily add your Navattic demos to AssetMule assets and build a snippet library of demos your sales team can pull from to curate personalized demo experiences for your buyers.
We’re also introducing our new Demo Center template by DemoDash that you can use to quickly and easily create your own personalized demo center experiences.
Check it out here.
In addition to the new component and template, Jason Oakley and Eric Holland of DemoDash will be joining us next Wednesday, March 12th, at 2pm EST, for a very special AssetMule office hour.
We’ll dive deep into their best practices for building demo centers, showcase their favorite examples, and walk through the template.
If you’re looking to take your demo game to the next level, it’s one you won’t want to miss.
You can RSVP (or watch the recording) here.