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Deliver The Right Content At The Right Time By Aligning Your Sales Assets with Your Buyer’s Journey

AssetMule now allows you to organize and visualize your sales asset library by the various stages of the buyer’s journey!

Justin Dorfman
Co-Founder & CEO at AssetMule
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What’s the purpose of sales assets?

Our perspective is fairly simple.

To give prospects the information and confidence they (and their stakeholders) need to move to the next stage of their buyer’s journey towards a purchase.

This means mapping out your buyer's journey, the questions they have at each stage, and arming your sales team with assets that answer these questions at each stage.

For example…

At the awareness stage, your prospects are probably wondering what you do and how you can help them. This means arming your sales team with overview one-pagers and decks that introduce the problem you solve and how you uniquely solve it.

At the consideration stage, they’re probably asking who else uses you and how you differ from other solutions they’re using or evaluating. This is where case studies and competitive comparisons come into play.

At the decision stage, they’ve probably brought in their CFO who is questioning how much your solution will cost, what the ROI will be, as well as other executives who will be wondering what the implementation, onboarding, and ongoing support will be like. This is where proposals, business cases/ROI calculators, and implementation/onboarding plans are needed.

But creating these assets is only half the battle. It’s critical to make these assets easily discoverable by your sales teams, when they need them.

Introducing Buyer’s Journeys in AssetMule

With this in mind, we’re super excited to introduce a new feature in AssetMule that allows you to organize and visualize your sales asset library by the various stages of the buyer’s journey—from awareness to consideration, decision, all the way through success.

With this new feature, not only will you enable your sales team by making it easier for them to find the right assets to send prospects at the right time, but you’ll also enable your buyers with the information they need, when they need it—ultimately reducing friction in their purchasing process, accelerating your sales cycles, and increasing your win rates.

You can also use the new buyer’s journey to identify gaps in your sales asset library and quickly and easily fill them using AssetMule’s library of pre-designed templates, which is also now organized and can be visualized by the various stages of the buyer’s journey.

Check out this quick demo video to see the new buyer’s journey feature in action:

Are you ready to uplevel your sales assets from tactical checkbox to strategic resource that truly enables sellers, buyers, and drives real business impact?

Get started building your buyer’s journey in AssetMule today.

Engage your buyers with interactive sales assets
  • Create interactive sales assets in minutes and without designer or developers
  • Personalize assets for each prospect using a snippet library of messaging and imagery
  • Track which assets are being used and driving the most engagement