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🎙 Your existing sales asset creation & management strategy may be broken

Jorge's thoughts on sales enablement learnings from research interviews with sales and marketing pros.

Jorge Soto
Co-Founder at AssetMule
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In over 600 research interviews with sales and marketing professionals, particularly those in product marketing, one painful fact stands out: the alignment between sales and marketing regarding the creation and management of sales assets and collateral remains very broken.

As a former salesperson, I experienced this issue throughout my career. My co-founder, Justin Dorfman, had to deal with on a daily basis in his roles as a product marketer.

Our shared experiences, together with our other Co-Founder Dane Lyon's passion for building publishing systems led us to create AssetMule.

The Persistent Disconnect

Even in 2024, most organizations struggle with this alignment. The disconnect between sales and marketing teams impacts efficiency, morale, and, most importantly, the buyer's experience. But there's hope. By leveraging the right technology and fostering a collaborative culture, we can start to bridge this gap.

Software is Only Part of the Solution

While adopting the right software is essential, it's not the solution by itself. The right technology can facilitate better processes and communication, but its effectiveness depends on how well it is integrated into the organizational culture and the humans behind it.

Creating a Empathic & Collaborative Culture

The responsibility falls on founders, leaders, managers, and teammates to build a culture that emphasizes collaboration, empathy, and mutual support. Building strong bonds within teams ensures that processes and tools are used effectively, leading to improved buyer experiences.

The Buyer-First Approach

At the core of this alignment is the buyer. Happy, motivated, and aligned employees create btter experiences for buyers. They care more and go the extra mile. When sales and marketing teams work better together, they can deliver more relevant, timely, and impactful sales assets/collateral.
The Future of World Class Sales and Marketing Alignment

As we move forward in 2024 and beyond, it's crucial to understand that while software is a vital component, the human element is indispensable. By focusing on both technological solutions and cultural alignment, we can improve alignment and create a more harmonious, efficient, and buyer-first environment.

Engage your buyers with interactive sales assets
  • Create interactive sales assets in minutes and without designer or developers
  • Personalize assets for each prospect using a snippet library of messaging and imagery
  • Track which assets are being used and driving the most engagement