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5 Product Marketing Communities to Join in 2023

Check out these 5 communities to join to step up your product marketing game.

Jorge Soto
Co-Founder at AssetMule
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B2B communities have surged in recent years, becoming powerful destinations for professionals to level up their skills and network with like minded peers.

These communities have built both online and offline experiences to cater to the modern business professional.

Below you’ll find 5 communities that product marketers should check out in 2023.

Product Marketing Alliance

The Product Marketing Alliance or “PMA” was founded in 2019 with the mission of elevating the role of product marketing. They appear to be the largest community of product marketers in the world.

They organize local meetups, regional conferences, and even have a Slack community with over 30,000 members. However, they also offer certifications, produce research, and weekly resources like podcasts, articles, and newsletters.

Website | Linkedin | Twitter | Slack

Product Marketing Community

The Product Marketing Community was founded by product marketing expert Rowan Noronha and focuses on bringing B2B marketing executives together to become their organization's architect of growth, or what they call a “Marchitect.” The community hosts podcasts, virtual and in-person events, conducts research, and more.

Their community features over 20,000 members and offers unique a way for brands to get in front of this dynamic network of go-to-market executives without losing the intimacy that they are known for.

Website | Linkedin | Twitter


Pavilion is known for being a community for many levels across all GTM functions. They are an education company at heart that is keen on helping others with their professional development. Their community-powered learning curriculum come in the form of courses and other learning programs.

They are a paid community that in addition to their Slack-based platform, offers a variety of local and regional events like CMO and CRO Summits, as well as local GTM leader dinners across the country.

Website | Linkedin | Twitter

Product Led Community

The Community is the world's largest product-led growth community featuring over 15,000+ PLG enthusiasts and experts from around the world. It’s a free community that encourages members to “nerd out” over everything from tech stacks to best practices. was founded by Wes Bush who is the bestselling author of Product-Led Growth and also offers consulting services and training.

Website | Linkedin | Twitter

Exit Five

Exit Five is a media company founded by former marketer Dave Gerhardt. This community is focused on B2B marketing as a whole however features a ton of insight into product marketing.

There are over 3,000 paying members who have access to a podcast, job board, newsletter, and community platform. The community offers both a paid and free version and is a top resource for B2B marketing pros looking for a sounding board outside of work.

Website | Linkedin | Twitter

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